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shop curtain 暖簾(のれん)
We do not have any curtains in stock.
All are custom order.

Examples of past products
Prices are those at the time of sale.
Prices will change for custom orders.

shop curtain-暖簾(のれん)
¥53,100 高さ=180cm 幅=135cm 3枚割れ

shop curtain-暖簾(のれん)
¥35,160 高さ=80cm 幅=75cm 2枚割れ

shop curtain-暖簾(のれん)n-manten-01-04
¥33,780 高さ=75cm 幅=70cm 2枚割れ

shop curtain-暖簾(のれん)
贈答非売品 高さ=170cm 幅=40cm 5枚割れ

shop curtain-暖簾(のれん)